Thursday, November 14, 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


at Francesinha na Baixa festival, Oporto.

Francesinha na Baixa it's a gastronomic festival dedicated to francesinha (literally 'little french girl'), one of the most typical dishes in Oporto - a sort of hot meat/ham/sausage sandwich with cheese and special spicy sauce, served with french fries. And, of course, beer. Ten days of greasy goodness! More next year.

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Francesinha na Baixa é um festival gastronómico dedicado, tal como o nome indica, à francesinha, um dos pratos mais típicos do Porto - ainda que possa não ter experimentado, penso que qualquer português saberá do que se trata: uma espécie de sandwich quente com carnes, enchidos, queijo e um molho especial, servido com batata frita (para os mais corajosos, também com um ovo 'a cavalo'!) e acompanhada com cerveja. Pelo segundo ano consecutivo, foram 10 dias dedicados a esta maravilha gordurosa. Há mais para o ano!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

white obsession ♥

My perfect white room. White is always my first choice for everything. Sheets, blanket & boots by Primark. And that is Becas just being cute ^_^.

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O meu quarto branco perfeito. O branco é sempre a minha primeira escolha em tudo. Os lençóis, manta e botinhas são da Primark. E esta é a Becas a armar-se em fofa ^_^.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Diana Baby Gold Edition 110 camera; bento box & cutlery, by MonBento; Shis, at Praia do Ourigo, Foz; potato flour and pastry cream cake, recipe available at Flagrante Delícia (portuguese only).

My birthday - presents, dinner by the sea and cake!

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O meu aniversário - presentes, jantar à beira-mar e bolo!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

High cheekbones ♥

Don't you just love those amazing strong cheeks? If you weren't blessed with beautiful prominent zygomatic bones, you can always fake them with'll only need blush under your cheeks and a good illuminator on your cheekbone. If you already have them use the same trick to enhance them!

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Quem não adora estas maçãs de rosto bem demarcadas? Se não foram abençoadas com zigomáticos proeminentes sempre podem fingi-lo com maquilhagem...é só usar o blush por baixo das bochechas e passar um bom iluminador nas maçãs de rosto. Se já as tiverem naturalmente, podem sempre utilizar o mesmo truque para evidenciá-las!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Childhood photos ♥

I love childhood photos so much...yesterday I found this cute picture of me. I think I was 3.

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Adoro fotos de infância...ontem encontrei esta foto minha, bem fofa. Acho que tinha 3 anos.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Day 60

After 2 months on Accutane here are my first before & after pictures. My skins feels and looks much more smooth. Here you can see my cheek (right next to my nose) with some major improvement. 

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Após 2 meses de Orotrex (isotretinoína) aqui estão as minhas primeiras fotos de antes & depois. A minha pele está muito mais lisa. Aqui fica uma imagem da bochecha (zona lateral ao nariz) com melhoria significativa.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

On My Wishlist...

On My Wishlist...

On My Wishlist... by catsaffairs

1. Asos blouse; 2. Love, Chloé perfume; 3. H&M skirt; 4. Tous bracelet; 5. Pieces Bag; 6. Chloé ballerinas; 7. Marc Jacobs earrings; 8. Yves Saint Laurent, Baby Doll mascara; 9. Benefit, Hervana blush; 10. Shiseido BB Cream; 11. Shiseido Perfect Foundation brush.

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1. Blusa Asos; 2. Perfume Love, Chloé; 3. Saia H&M; 4. Pulseira Tous; 5. Carteira Pieces; 6. Bailarinas Chloé; 7. Brincos Marc Jacobs; 8. Rímel Baby Doll, Yves Saint Laurent; 9. Blush Hervana, Benefit; 10. BB Cream Shiseido BB; 11. Pincel Perfect Foundation, Shiseido.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Summer Affair ♥

Summer Affair

Summer Affair by catsaffairs

Zara blouse; H&M shorts; Guerlain Shalimar, perfume; Ted Baker earrings; Chanel Emprise nail polish; Bimba & Lola bag; Haruki Murakami's 1Q84 1, 2 & 3 book; RETROSUPERFUTURE sunglasses; Lanvin ballerinas.

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Blusa Zara; Calções H&M; Perfume Shalimar, Guerlain; Brincos Ted Baker; Verniz Chanel, Emprise; Carteira Bimba & Lola; Livro 1Q84 1, 2 e 3 de Haruki Murakami; Óculos RETROSUPERFUTURE; Bailarinas Lanvin.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Hair Affair ♥

Perfect accessories for a perfect hairstyle, all by & Other Stories.

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Acessórios perfeitos, para um penteado perfeito, todos da & Other Stories.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Yes, it's been a long time, but my blog's still alive...

So, after years of trying everything on earth to make my skin look flawless I decided to get on isotretinoin (Accutane/Roaccutane, Claravis - in Portugal it is called Orotrex). I don't have cystic acne or even severe acne - I have a moderate comedonal acne (with open and closed comedons, mainly on T-zone) that is very persistent (I think I have it for 12 years now) and resistant to the appropriate skin care and topical medication (Isotrexin, Differin, Epiduo...yes, I've been on all that).

After doing my homework (read papers, studies and do my online research) I did the blood tests and started my 6 month course on a 20 mg dose (contraception is MANDATORY and I was already on it). After 20 days I increased the dose to 40 mg/day.

Now, the aim my first post about Accutane (I'm calling it Accutane because is the most common name) is to talk about the side effects and how to minimize them. For those of you who are thinking about taking this drug:

1- Your skin will dry...

I started to get dry skin on day 3 - depending on the weather, on if I wear make-up or not or on how much liquids I drink, my skin flakes a lot or a little. When my skin is not flaking a lot I do my usual routine - clean my skin with a mild gel, spray it with mineral water, use a moisturize and, if i'm going out in the sun light, protect it with solar filter. If my skin is really dry, besides my usual routine, I use a richer cream, specific for extreme dryness, at night. When I get cracked skin, besides all that I apply a specific balsam (like Eucerin Aquaphor).

2 - Your lips will get miserable...

Prepare to spend lots and lots of lip balm - if you are careful enough you can overcome this side efect. When my lips are NOT chapped but are flaking I do a light exfoliation with my toothbrush or with sugar and apply lip balm really helps.

3 - If you wax your upper lip, peel flaking skin, use pore strips, pull out black heads with your fingers or pop zits it will get a mess..., DON'T do it.

4 - Your nose may bleed...

...but a nose hydrating spray/gel will take care of it.

5 - You may loss your appetite...

...but, unless your BMI is extremely low, I don't see a problem in that.

I'm currently on my 31st day of Accutane and I'm so happy I've started it! I didn't have that "inicial flare" yet, and I think that is because I don't have inflammatory acne. My skin has cleared up a lot.

My next post on Accutane will be on my skin routine while on this drug.

Have a nice week :)